Frequently Asked Questions


  • We'll be sure you'll have no Rug-rets! We'll take you through the ABCs of tufting, set you up in your space and leave you to unleash your creativity. The possibilities are endless as you can tuft anything you think of in a 28”x28” canvas space. Go where your imagination takes you.

  • At Tuft SF, we welcome you as long as you've the muscles to hold the tufting gun (weighs about ~1.4kg), take some easy instructions, & you'll be ready to tuft away!

    For tuftees under the age of 16, unfortunately you will need to have an adult accompany you and sign off our our waiver form. Do reach out to us at before signing up!

  • We understand emergencies do happen. Do inform us at least 72hours before the scheduled session time and we'll allow a one-off reschedule to another date to be made within 4 weeks of the initial session. Such reschedule slots will be subject to availability. Unfortunately if you change your mind, we do not offer refunds and do wish you'll come & enjoy the class.

    To reschedule, please email us at No-shows or cancellations less than 24 hours are also considered as completed sessions and are non-refundable.


  • Just click on 'Book now’ on our landing page. All bookings and payments are to be made via our website. We accept Credit Card, Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, and Cash is preferred.

    For any payment-related enquiries, please holler at us via and we'll reply at the soonest we can.


  • This really depends on the amount of detail you wanna include. Let your creative juices flow, but (maybe) not too much :) Nonetheless it's TOTALLY possible to finish one rug in a 4-5 hour class. Feel free to send us a picture beforehand at and we'll guide you how! Kindly include your name and session date/time in the subject line.

  • We have specially curated the selection of yarns. We use cotton and cotton blended yarns that are imported and assured of its quality & structure to ensure your rugs can withstand regular use (We nonetheless strongly advise to be gentle with care, afterall these are your handmade precious works of art!) Quick laundry tip: Our rugs are not machine washable! More care & maintenance tips here.